Ekistica, the Intyal­heme Cen­tre for Future Energy and project partners publish final Alice Springs Future Grid reports

The Alice Springs Future Grid (ASFG) project was a $12.5 million collaborative project involving multiple organisations from across the Northern Territory and Australia. Launched in 2020, the purpose was to identify and overcome barriers to the further deployment of renewable energy in the Alice Springs power system and provide insights to how the 2030 target might be met.

Between 2020 and 2023, Alice Springs Future Grid undertook five discrete but interdependent sub-projects focussed on different elements of the challenges and barriers facing this objective, including modelling, microgrid trials, household battery and tariff trials, new solar forecasting techniques, and dynamic export management of distributed renewable energy systems. Each of the sub-projects examined the technical, regulatory, social and economic factors affecting their area of investigation.

Ekistica was the project lead for the Tech­no-eco­nom­ic mod­el­ling (sub-project 1) and the Com­mer­cial micro­grid (sub-project 2) activities, and directed the Public Housing Solar & Battery Trial as well as co-contributor to many of the studies and reports linked below.

Led by the Intyalheme Centre for Future Energy, Ekistica, alongside project partners and consortium members Desert Knowl­edge Aus­tralia, the Desert Knowl­edge Research Insti­tute, Pow­er and Water Cor­po­ra­tion, Ter­ri­to­ry Gen­er­a­tion and knowledge sharing partner CSIRO, produced the following landmark reports:

Ekistica authored reports:

For further information, reports and data analysis, please visit the Alice Springs Future Grid Knowledge Bank: https://alicespringsfuturegrid.com.au/knowledge-bank

Ekistica is now a B Corporation™

We are proud to announce that Ekistica is now B Corp™ Certified, joining a global community of for-purpose businesses meeting strict standards for social and environmental impact, governance, accountability and transparency.

Ekistica is among the first professional advisory and technical consultancies of its kind in Australia to be certified, having made a legal commitment to consider the interests of all stakeholders in business operations: workers, customers, communities, and the environment. This is the next step in fulfilling our vision of a world where the appropriation of technology enables people, communities and business to reach their full potential.

#TranslateCreateDeliver #BCorp #BCorporation #businessasaforceforgood

Ekistica is the West Macs Monster Gold Sponsor

Ekistica is once again sponsoring the inaugural West Macs Monster ultrarunning event in 2024. Held over three days on the Larapinta Trail in the Northern Territory, the West Macs Monster is a 231km spectacular single track, end to end supported, non-stop extreme ultra race organised by the Alice Springs Running and Walking Club (ASRWC). With additional 128km, 65km, 25km and 5km distance choices, and all finishing at the Historic Alice Springs Telegraph Station, the West Macs Monster is Australia’s premier trail running event.

Having been a founding sponsor of the WMM Ekistica has agreed to be the naming rights sponsor of the 231km, 128km and 65km events for the next three years. Check out the video from the 2022 event above, and for more information visit https://westmacsmonster.com.au/

ARENA, the CEFC and Ekistica Share 'The Generator Operations Series: Unlocking Curtailed Solar Energy on the NEM Through Storage'

Ekistica authored the final paper in ARENA and the CEFC’s Generator Operations Series, ‘Unlocking Curtailed Solar Energy on the NEM Through Storage' in November 2022.

This paper uses publicly available data to estimate the value of the renewable energy currently being lost on the NEM due to network constraints, economic curtailment and other curtailment at large scale solar farms, by calculating how much revenue a co-located battery could generate by capturing this energy and discharging during the evening peak demand period.

The analysis demonstrates several potential benefits flowing from recent amendments to the National Electricity Rules (NER). The amendments introduce the new Integrated Resource Provider (IRP) participant category, determined in December 2021 and coming into effect in June 2024, which remove some of the regulatory and commercial barriers to the colocation of solar, wind and battery storage on the NEM.

The link to the published report can be found HERE.

Jabiru Hybrid Renewable Project wins Australian Solar Power Project of the Year at the 2022 Asian Power Awards

The Jabiru Hybrid Renewable Project has won the 2022 Asian Power Awards’ Solar Power Project of the Year – Australia in recognition of its success in the Northern Territory, Australia.

Since the power station was switched on in February 2022, it has drawn on 100% solar energy to supply Jabiru during the day. The battery stores the excess solar energy produced to extend renewable energy penetration beyond daylight hours. This enables the power station to deliver more than 50% renewable energy.

Jabiru has decreased its diesel consumption by approximately 1.7 million litres per year, significantly reducing its carbon footprint and exposure to volatile fuel prices. Converting Jabiru’s previous 100% fossil-fuelled electricity supply to hybrid renewable energy abates 6,000 tonnes of CO2-e, per year, which is comparable to removing 1,600 cars off the road annually. This enables Jabiru to contribute towards the Northern Territory Government’s efforts to achieve its target of 50% renewable energy by 2030.

The power station has a modular design that will enable future expansions as Jabiru grows or new technologies emerge to provide even higher renewable energy penetration. Learnings from the project could substantially benefit seven million people who live in rural and remote Australia (28% of the population), and more worldwide.

ARENA, the CEFC and Ekistica Share ‘The Generator Operations Series – Benchmarking Large-Scale Solar PV Performance in Australia'.

In August 2022, ARENA published a report sharing ‘The Generator Operations Series – Benchmarking Large-Scale Solar PV Performance in Australia’. This report proposes a method to remotely determine the Performance Ratio (PR) of solar farms using satellite weather data, without needing ground-based measuring equipment. The accuracy of this method is calculated by using it to estimate the PR of all the NEM-connected solar farms, then comparing it to the PR calculated using site data.

Ekistica is the data handler and knowledge sharing agent for ARENA’s LSS portfolio and co-authored the report alongside ARENA and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC).

The link to the published report can be found HERE

Ekistica Lead Authors the International Energy Agency’s Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme’s first published report for Task 18: Blueprint For Off-Grid And Edge-Of-Grid Power Systems

In August 2022, IEAPVPS’s Task 18 published their first technical report titled “Blueprint on how to conduct feasibility studies on off-grid and edge-of-grid power systems”. This blueprint, authored by members of Task 18 and led by Ekistica, provides a step-by-step guideline on how to conduct feasibility studies for off-grid and edge-of-grid power systems. By following the process, one should be able to conduct an effective feasibility assessment for a photovoltaic based off-grid or edge-of-grid power system.

The link to the published report can be found HERE

Ekistica Authors 'Northern Territory Solar Resource Project - Handling Variability With High Quality Ground Station Data’

In July 2021, Ekistica prepared this research paper titled ‘Northern Territory Solar Resource Project - Handling Variability With High Quality Ground Station Data’ for the Northern Territory Government. The report presents the findings of analysis of the long-term and short-term variability of solar resource in the Northern Territory carried out using the high-quality, high-resolution data collected by the Northern Territory Solar Resource project.

The full report can be read HERE.

ARENA, the CEFC and Ekistica Share ‘The Generator Operations Series – Report Three: Negative pricing and bidding behaviour on the NEM’.

In September 2021, ARENA published a report sharing ‘The Generator Operations Series – Report Three: Negative Pricing and Bidding Behaviour on the NEM’. This report focuses on one of the most significant unanticipated changes in the NEM since ARENA first invested in the LSS portfolio: the increasing prevalence of negative pricing events in the spot market.

This report provides analysis to help understand some of the impacts an increasing renewable share has had on energy markets and the behaviour of market participants.

Ekistica is the data handler and knowledge sharing agent for ARENA’s LSS portfolio and co-authored the report alongside ARENA and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC).

To read the full report, click HERE.

ARENA, the CEFC and Ekistica Share ‘The Generator Operations Series – Report Two: Ramp Rates for Solar and Wind Generators on the NEM’.

In August 2021, ARENA published a report sharing ‘The Generator Operations Series – Report Two: Ramp Rates for Solar and Wind Generators on the NEM’. This report analyses the impact of generator size (geographic footprint and installed capacity) on ramp rates for solar and wind farms in Australia. The findings can help to inform on-grid and off-grid applications; however, developers of off-grid hybrid power stations have the most to gain from the presented outcomes.

Ekistica is the data handler and knowledge sharing agent for ARENA’s LSS portfolio and co-authored the report alongside ARENA and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC).

To read the full report, click HERE.

ARENA, the CEFC and Ekistica Share ‘The Generator Operations Series: Large-Scale Solar Operations’.

In May 2021, ARENA published a report sharing the ‘The Generator Operations Series: Large-Scale Solar Operations’. This is the first of a series of reports on the operations of large-scale solar (LSS) projects in Australia. By using granular data provided by a number of LSS projects funded by ARENA and the CEFC, the series will deep dive into real world operational successes and barriers the projects faced.

Ekistica is the data handler and knowledge sharing agent for ARENA’s LSS portfolio and co-authored the report alongside ARENA and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC).

To read the full report, click HERE.

ARENA, the CEFC and Ekistica Share 'Insights from the First Wave of Large-Scale Solar Projects in Australia'

In February 2020, ARENA published a report sharing the ‘Insights from the First Wave of Large-Scale Solar Projects in Australia’. Ekistica conducted the analysis outlined in the report on data collected from the 14 large-scale solar projects that continue to participate in ARENA’s knowledge sharing program. The report shares key insights, trends, and lessons learnt by project proponents throughout the stages of financial close, construction, grid connection, and ramping up to full generation.

Ekistica is the data handler and knowledge sharing agent for ARENA’s LSS portfolio and co-authored the report alongside ARENA and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC).

To read the full report, click HERE.

Ekistica Authors 'Hybrid Power Generation for Australian Off-Grid Mines'

Ekistica is contracted as data handler and knowledge sharing agent for the Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s (ARENA) Regional Australia’s Renewables (RAR) and Large-Scale Solar (LSS) portfolios. As such, Ekistica researched and authored the handbook ‘Hybrid Power Generation for Australian Off-Grid Mines’. Developed for mining and power industry professionals to better understand opportunities and challenges of hybrid power generation, the handbook presents a series of recommended considerations for appraising and implementing hybrid power generation at off-grid mines in Australia. It has been recognized as a valuable and well-consolidated resource for the mining and power industries.

To read ‘Hybrid Power Generation for Australian Off-Grid Mines’, click HERE.

Ekistica Authors the 'Off-Grid Guide', a Guide to Renewable Energy in Remote Areas

Produced by the Intyalheme Centre for Future Energy, Ekistica Renewables Engineer Paul Rodden has authored the ‘Off-Grid Guide', leveraging knowledge generated during our Bushlight project that ran from 2002-2013. It is a guide for deployment of off-grid power systems in remote areas, specifically addressing transience, renewable energy history, and funding in the Bush.

Based in Alice Springs, Intyalheme (pronounced in-CHAR-lum) is a flagship project of Desert Knowledge Australia (DKA), whose role is to enhance renewable energy capability by bridging gaps in relationships, knowledge, and technologies.

To read the ‘Off-Grid Guide’, click HERE.

Ekistica Recognized as Top Ten Smart Energy Solution Provider by Energy CIO Insights

Energy CIO Insights is an online and print magazine tracking the most current and relevant trends, advancements, and leadership in innovative energy technologies. They aim to support further leadership growth and advancements in the renewable energy sector.

The magazine has recognized Ekistica for notable impact in renewable energy, featuring us in their ‘Renewable Energy APAC Special’ (July 2019). In the special, our Managing Director and Principal Consultant Lyndon Frearson speaks to Ekistica’s passion for pairing infrastructure with innovative technology to meet the unique needs of remote and regional communities.

Read the full article, “Ekistica: Innovative Solutions for Remote Area Infrastructure,” on page 34 of the issue.

Alice Springs energy experts present a vision of the future

The challenge of integrating renewable energy into the Alice Springs electricity grid has been highlighted to experts all over Australia, in a recent webinar.

The Intyal­heme Cen­tre for Future Ener­gy was invit­ed by Engi­neers Aus­tralia to deliv­er a pre­sen­ta­tion out­lin­ing how Alice Springs is posi­tioned to demon­strate what a future grid could look like. 

Intyal­heme Gen­er­al Man­ag­er Sara John­ston was joined by elec­tri­cal engi­neer Clare Payn­ter for the pre­sen­ta­tion, which was viewed by about 500 experts; some in the room in New­cas­tle, and oth­ers logged in to the live stream. 

Read the full article here.

ARENA and Ekistica

During September, Bert Herteleer gave the key note speech to the European PV and Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC) in Brussels, on the interaction between renewables and the grid, based on Knowledge and performance data from ARENA’s Remote and Regional Australia portfolio. The speech and paper were the result of a fruitful collaboration between Power and Water Corporation, ARENA and Ekistica. The speech was included as one of the EU PVSEC highlights presentation by Dr Robert Kenny during which he spent several minutes discussing the impacts for the PV industry.  The presentation was again delivered for the NT October Business month. Ekistica has been working with ARENA in a Knowledge Sharing partnership over the past few years, and has received positive feedback from both ARENA and other industry leaders.

Click this link for article on Linkedin

Click here to access the 2018 EU PVSEC paper


Sheena Ong is one of our graduate engineers and recently participated in a video profile project to inspire girls in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths) entrepreneurship, as part of the ATSE STELR WISE initiative. This Australia-wide project sees women who are currently working in the industry share an insight into their careers to encourage and inspire younger women to think about taking up careers in STEM.  Please click on the link to watch Sheena’s inspiring story, which also features the Desert Knowledge Australia Solar Centre that Ekistica helped conceive, operates and maintains.



On Thursday 21st September 2017, Ekistica was delighted to accept the NT Regional Exporter of the Year Award at the Chief Minister's Industry and Export Awards in Darwin.

These awards have been acknowledging export and industry excellence across a wide range of sectors for over 24 years. They focus on local industry through four domestic awards for Manufacturing, Resource Supply and Service, Industry Innovation and the Indigenous Exporter.

Board member Peter Renehan and Operations Manager, Michael Tuckwell represented Ekistica at the event, proudly accepting the award on behalf of the dedicated efforts of the whole team. Managing Director, Lyndon Frearson said:

“The awards demonstrate the high calibre of exporters within the Northern Territory, and this reinforces the importance and significance of what we do. Our vision is a world where location is not a barrier to good technical outcomes, where the appropriation of technology enables people, communities and businesses to reach their full potential.
We believe that the barriers to delivery of good infrastructure and technical services, regardless of location, are only resolved by a people-centred, holistic appreciation of complexity, context and communication. Ekistica is a great company, that is impacting the world by focusing on people and their relationship to place.”

As a territory winner, Ekistica will now progress as national finalists, from which one category winner will be crowned the Australian Exporter of the Year. The national program recognises Australian businesses for their export achievements and contribution to Australia's economic prosperity. The 55th National Awards Ceremony will be held on Tuesday 5th December in Canberra.

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